Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Week 1 - Project Details

For my honours project I've decided to create a recipe recommender system to recommend recipes based on the ingredients you have in your kitchen. Below are my aims and objectives for my project.

  1. Conduct a survey of literature and relevant recipe related applications
  2. Develop a crawler to gather recipes and related content such as images and videos. Design and implement a recommender system using MySQL
  3. Design and implement the web front-end to gather user queries.
  4. Integrate the Tesco API to allow additional functionality such as formulating a purchase basket consisting of missing ingredients
  5. Design and conduct a small-scale user trial to evaluate the recipe recommender system.
Additional Features
  1. Mobile application with the same functionality as the desktop version.
  2. Geolocation to find the closest Supermarket/Tesco store.
  3. Ability to upload videos/pictures of the recipe.
  4. Recipe adaptability to substitute ingredients for ones that the user has.
  5. Share recipes over social networks.
  6. Data from Tesco API will be used to personalise ingredients being purchased based on a budget.

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